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October 12, 2022
by: Benjamin Petrakis

Production Monitoring, Simplified

Built for novice and advanced users

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When you think of production monitoring systems, do you think of having to analyze data to get any use or benefit out of it? This could not be further from the truth. Sure it helps with fine tuning, but the real value being produced is instant notifications of downtime. The quicker you fix a down machine, the quicker you are back to printing money.

Tracker got its start in 1991 targeting the smaller plants that didn't have a dedicated person to analyze the data and make suggestions on where to improve. We found that people just wanted a quick visual aid to see how the machines were running and be able to see at a glance when a machine goes down.

Trackers' color-coded line status screen which can be displayed on any desktop, laptop or monitor with network access was the solution to that, and is still without-a-doubt the most heavily used application in the program.

As technology has evolved, so have we with the valuable feedback from our customers. We still have the same simplistic approach available, but with all the capabilities to dive into the numbers and really fine tune your operations if you choose to do so.

Nowadays everyone wants their information immediately, so we added a feature that will instantly notify you even if you can't see the screens - customizable shift-based email and text alerts.

With 2 handy features of the Tracker system, the line status screen and email/text alerts you can minimize downtime and increase efficiency. Neither one of those take any more effort than a glance. As time goes on you can grow into the system and start utilizing more features to further increase your efficiency, and we will be here to help you the whole way.

Affordable production monitoring system price
tracker production monitoring system compatability