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October 23, 2024
by: Benjamin Petrakis

Easy 4,000% ROI In 1 Year With Tracker

Tracker catches mistakes that cost pennies, but add up.

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So you purchased a brand new half-million dollar state-of-the-art machine that gives you all the data right at the machine. You paid big bucks for this machine and the sales person guaranteed you it was a worthy investment with accurate data, so you take them at their word. That assumption could be costing you big time.

Here's a real-life scenario on how Tracker could have saved a company $750,000 in only 1 year. An operator noticed this error was occurring after years of it running, but Tracker could have caught it within minutes.

The customer runs extrusion machines making bags. The machines are set to cut and stack bags in packs of 25. The machines were actually stacking bags in packs of 26. No big deal - what's an extra bag, right? Wrong!

Let's do the math and see just how wrong that is. That machine makes a pack every minute, running 24/7, and the profit on a bag is $0.03.

$0.03 profit per bag x 60 packs an hour = $1.80 given away in per hour. $1.80 x 24 hours = $43.20 given away per day. $43.20 x 365 days = $15,768 given away annually, on only 1 machine.

Tracker would have paid for itself in 1 year, monitoring only 1 machine. Now, you hook up all 48 lines and catch the same error.

$15,768 x 48 machines = $756,864 given away annually because your state-of-the-art machines put 1 extra bag in each pack.

Mistakes, errors, downtimes and inefficiencies only cost pennies when they happen, but over time those pennies add up quickly.

Tracker gives you real time data down to the hundredth of a second, accurate part counts and immediate alerts to downtime events. Now, do the math on what Tracker could save you shaving 2 minutes off your downtimes each year.

Affordable production monitoring system price
tracker production monitoring system compatability